The Crack is definitely the worst drug on the market: cheap, easily available, highly addictive.
London is probably the European capital of the chemical drugs and crack is one of the most popular. During the years I've meet many drug users in the dark nights of London, and with many of them I've been friend with. I decided then to run a story of some of the drug houses I've been into, to testify how endemic is the crack question, how bad is for the users, how easy is to find stories of this addiction. For matters of editing I had to leave out of this serie other stories that wouldn't fit with the ones I've published. In this particular version I've followed 3 different stories based in west and south London, three situations of long-term addiction, struggle, day by day life. Is strange to someone become aware of this underworld, in one of the richest city in the world, but from personal experience I can say that behind a nice display there is often a dark side, sometime unexplored properly.